Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Paint roller, sidewalk paint and marbles mesh bags

Our sensorial play with goop was a hit. It was fun, messy and a great learning experience; just as art activities can be. With this in mind, I've been trying to get myself organised with at least one art/sensorial activity per week.

Here are three activities we've done recently:

Painting outside with a paint roller provided Ian an olfactory and tactile experience while he was preparing the paint with water, shampo and temperas (blue and yellow) and, all the movements to dip the sleeve into the paint and then, apply it, were a great large motor work. And do not forget the excitement of watching the wall getting color as it is painted.

Sidewalk paint made with cornstarch, water and coloring food was a fun way to spend an afternoon outdoors. Ian enjoyed swirling the drops of paint with the paintbrush and looking how colors blend to get a marbleized aspect.

Painting outside is our favorite choise at this moment, but it is raining a lot these days ... Never mind, a rainy day is an excellent excuse to get messy and noisy, painting with a marbles mesh bag.


  1. Painting with marbles is my favourite! I should try it too!

  2. I just discovered your blog and I'm so glad I did! You are doing some wonderful things over here - I can't wait to look around some more.

    Counting Coconuts

  3. Thank you for sharing this interesting and informative article, painting with airless spray gun will be faster and more interesting!



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