Thursday, March 25, 2010

I feel frustrated / Me siento frustrada

Today was one of those days where I felt frustrated. One of those days where Ian comes running as soon as he knows it’s time for us to do a learning activity.

Hoy fue uno de esos días en que me siento frustrada. Uno de esos días en que Ian sale corriendo cuando entiende que quiero que participe en alguna actividad.

With my new laminator – I’m just like a girl with a new toy – I’ve made some vocabulary cards for Ian, about animals, fruits and vegetables. I made them with lots of enthusiasm, imagining how much fun we would have learning new words. But Ian was not impressed when he saw them; maybe it’s my presentation technique more so than the cards: I’m too focused on following the educational guidelines and forget to relax, play and enjoy.

Con mi nueva laminadora –exacto, parezco una niña con juguete nuevo, he hecho algunas tarjetas de vocabulario para Ian, sobre animales, frutas y vegetales. Las he heho con mucho entusiasmo, imaginando como disfrutaríamos aprendiendo nuevas palabras. Pero Ian parece abrumado cuando las ve. Talvez no son mis tarjetas las que lo abruman, talvez es la manera en que se las presento. Supongo que estoy demasiado focalizada en seguir las pautas pedagógicas y he olvidado relajarme, jugar y disfrutar.

Those cards looks great, don’t you think? I know, the quality of the photo is horrible. This is because our digital camera is broken and, as we live in a village, we must wait until the next trip to the city to repair it. Meanwhile I 'm using single use cameras, wich is better than having no photos taken. I last about three days in use up one camera and I need to wait one week get the film developed :-)

Esas tarjetas estan fantasticas, cierto?. Lo se, la calidad de la foto es horrible. Lo que pasa es que nuestra camara digital esta malograda y como vivimos en una aldea, debemos esperar hasta nuestro proximo viaje a la ciudad para enviarla a reparación. Mientras tanto estoy usando camaras descartables, lo cual es mejor que no tener ninguna foto. Me demoro tres dias en terminar agotar una camara y debo esperar una semana para recibir mis fotos reveladas :-)


  1. Sigue participando Sandrita, lo estas haciendo zupped!!! ... te jueli ooo ... ahora las fotits

  2. Si Iansito no se divierte por ahora ... la mami esta muy divertida :)

  3. Hello Sandy,
    I believe you are doing a great job as a mum. 2 languages are good at this age. I remember only talking German to Alex for the first few years, and even though my German is not extensive it was enough. When we visited Austria in 1997 for Opa's 90th Birthday, Alex was able to converse with her Austrian relatives. My Opa was thrilled. Unfortunately at 16 she remembers hardly any German, but I am confident that if she wishes to she will find it easier to learn it in the future.
    Love to you all,



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